Monday, August 31, 2009

Food Allergies, Kids and School

Because the school year is getting back under way, I want to dedicate today's post to the importance of being aware of kids with food allergies.

As with many things, you may not give food allergies much thought until you or someone you care about is affected by them.  I know I didn't think much about them until my daughter had her first allergic reaction before she was diagnosed with severe nut allergies, and it was quite scary.  Thankfully, it did not affect her breathing (although I have seen that as well) but she was covered in hives and her face swelled up until I could hardly see her eyes.  I had Benadryl in the medicine cabinet and soon after I gave it to her and contacted her doctor,  the hives and swelling began to subside.  I do not wish to alarm anyone, but rather to educate.  Although the subject of food allergies can be complicating, I would like to mention a few easy ways to help make the classroom a safe environment for the kids who have them.

Ideally, the teacher is informed of any students with food allergies in their class, and makes sure all the parents are informed as well.  However, that is not always the case, because sometimes a teacher has not been made aware of a student's allergies.  Therefore, I think the easiest way to avoid risking any problems is to simply avoid certain allergens, such as both peanuts and tree nuts, altogether when bringing snacks, food, desserts, etc., into the classroom. This includes snacks teachers keep on hand to give out daily, and food that is brought in for parties or other occasions during the year.  Some kids can have a reaction simply by coming into contact with a surface where nuts have been. So, if nuts are not in the room at all, there is much less chance for problems to arise. 

Of course, that holds true for any other food a student might be allergic to as well.  For example, my daughter also has egg allergies, and while she can eat food with egg baked in, such as cookies or cake, she cannot have certain dressings that contain egg, such as ranch, unless it is fat-free, with no egg ingredients. 

So you see, food allergies can be complicating.  As parents of children with food allergies, we do our best to ensure our kids are prepared by teaching them to have their Benadryl and Epi-Pens with them at all times, watching and teaching them to watch what they eat, and most important, educating them about their allergies so they can be pro-active in the management of them.  But no matter how cautious we may be, we cannot control everything, and it is comforting to know that others are aware and helping us keep our kids safe.

*According to FAAN, the most common food allergens are milk, egg, peanuts, tree nuts, fish, shellfish, soy and wheat. If you would like to learn more about food allergies, check out the Food Allergy and Anaphylaxis Network (FAAN)  at

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Mermaid in the Sand

Friday, August 28, 2009


 To know someone here or there with whom you can feel there is understanding 
in spite of distances or thoughts unexpressed ...
that can make this life a garden.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

A Week Ago Today

Here's to anniversaries of all types and time frames.... weddings, birthdays, new jobs, new blogs (one week)!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Hello, Is There Anybody Out There?

Starting this blog has been an interesting and enjoyable venture, even though the blogging process is not always as easy as I once imagined.  It was when I went about creating this one that I learned otherwise.  The preparation took much longer than I thought:  for example, deciding on just the right template design, deciding what to write for the first post, deciphering how to set up a blog site including tweaking the templates, html's and layout settings, feeling unsure about sending posts into cyberspace for anyone to see, deciding to go for it anyway, being ready to push "publish post" but having to tweak the template settings yet again because the layout doesn't look quite like I want it to, being ready to publish after that, but the feeling of trepidation creeps back in, ignoring it and telling myself "just do it already!" and finally, clicking "publish post" in relief.  Only to realize that in spite of all my efforts, my blog may not really be out there after all.  Well, it is out there, but there may not be anyone actually reading it.

Okay, I realize anativeinthesun hasn't even been in cyberspace one week yet.  However, I just assumed that any information sent out via the net is automatically everywhere, ready for the world to see.  What I have learned is that unless you are CNN, if you want readers, you have to put some effort into attracting them to your blog.  Although important, it takes more than a terrific template and pithy posts to attract an audience.  For all the large, well-known websites out there, there are probably many others that are more obscure.  Such as this one.  Unless you have a hit counter in your blog page, (and I don't  yet), then you don't know how many readers you have had for sure.  And readers don't always leave comments, which is fine.  Regardless of all that, however, one thing I do know is that lots of readers or not, I am having a good time with this.  I've mentioned this before, but it is important for me to venture out of my comfort zone every so often and challenge myself.  Last year's venture was to run a half marathon, which was fun, but I must say, this blog is also fun and certainly much less tiring!

So, what I am wondering today is this:

Is there anybody out there?

Monday, August 24, 2009

About Shells

I wiped away the weeds and foam,
I fetched me sea-born treasures home.

-Ralph Waldo Emerson

I love seashells. I have them all over my house, in baskets and glass jars everywhere, collected up from my family's many hours spent beachcombing. Our collection includes shells of all kinds, from the tiny, iridescent jingle shells, to some very large whelks and conchs. We also have many cool sharks teeth we have found as well. Those wicked black teeth are pretty amazing, but they do not bring me the same sense of comfort that my shells do. In all of our years of beachcombing, I think we have saved just about every shell we have ever found, because they are each like a bit of ocean treasure that we cannot put back once discovered. The thing I like about our seashell collection is that it does not consist of many perfect shells. In fact, our perfect shells are few and far between. Although I do love the beautifully formed whelks, tulips, olives and murex that we have, some of my very favorites are the worn out, weather beaten shells or fragments of them. They have such wonderful character. Like a salty old sailor who has ridden out the many seasons of the ocean, and, enduring, stood the test of time.
Another thing I like about shells is how many ways you can decorate with them. For example, my sister creates beautiful shell art, and someday I would like for her to use some of our collection in one of her lovely designs. One of my favorite gifts from her is a wreath she made me out of grapevine that she distressed and then covered with faded, broken, weathered shells and coral from her own shell collection placed all over it. I'd like to work on designs of my own as well, such as using our shells to add some personality to the tiles around my fireplace.
I love our diverse collection of shells, and when I am not near the ocean, but here at home, they are a lovely reminder of the place I love most.

First Day of School

I didn't want summer to end, but inevitably it does, and today the kids went back to school. I have to admit, as much fun as we have with our lack of schedules during summer, it is always nice when everyone gets back into a certain groove. The kids sometimes ask me if I will home school them (in hopes they can sleep in mornings, I am sure), but I always decline. I truly admire moms who home school their kids, and I have several friends that do, because I think it must take a great amount of discipline which I'm not sure I have when it comes to something like that. I'm afraid we might not keep a consistent routine because I would always be thinking of the numerous other things we could be doing instead of schoolwork (like going to a movie, heading to the park or a trip to the beach) and then doing those instead. Most of all, as an at-home mom, school is time for the kids and I to have a little space from each other for a few hours, which is good for all of us. I look forward to seeing them this afternoon and sharing in their excitement and stories of school. But for now, I am savoring the peaceful quiet that surrounds me.

Here's to the first day of school!

Thursday, August 20, 2009

So Long Summer

Well, this week we say so long to summer and hello school. Although I am gearing up my back to school mindset, thoughts of a memorable vacation still linger as Jimmy Buffett sings about a lovely cruise on the iPod next to me, and as usual, my mind begins to wander. I look out my window and the big, old oak trees in my yard fall away in my imagination, and become gently swaying palms on a sandy beach, the sun warm above me and the sand between my toes. My daydreaming is interrupted by my daughter asking me if we are going to buy new sneakers today. The kids know that unless we desperately need them, I don't buy new sneakers at the end of the school year because all we wear on our feet during summer is flip-flops since we are either on the water boating, or in the water swimming. So, I guess we are off to the shoe store, but first I want to make a list of our summer vacation highlights while Jimmy still sings to me in the background. This list is to remember those really "good for the soul" moments, the ones that remind us what life is all about. It is so easy to get caught up in the whirlwind of daily schedules and activities that we don't make enough time for the fun stuff. So here it is to help me keep things in perspective as the school year winds back up.

Fun in the Sun and Good for the Soul Moments,
Summer '09:

the Keys
Colorful coral reefs
Spotted Eagle Rays
Crystal clear turquoise waters
Moonlight kayaking
Afternoon thunderstorms
Any thunderstorms!
Cayo Costa
Deserted beaches
Warm sand between the toes
Jimmy Buffett's music playing
Palm trees and ocean breezes

A First Post

Hi! I am A Native in the Sun. I’m new to this blogging business, but I have always loved to write and have many random thoughts I’m always jotting down, so I thought it might be interesting to put them out there for anyone else who thinks along these lines. Like my thought process, my writing style is rather random, so my entries might be as well. I am at heart a very private person, so I hesitate about putting myself out there in the form of a blog. However, I believe venturing out of your comfort zone every so often is a good thing, so here I am.

A bit about me .... I’m a native Floridian. I love the beach, I love a good bargain, I love the color yellow, and I really, really love my family. I have three cool kids and one equally cool (and patient!) husband who are my best inspiration.

One important note I’d like to make regarding this blog is that I intend for it to be upbeat. There is more than enough negative news and events to be found everywhere you look these days, which gets old. I’m no ostrich, I read the paper and search the internet headlines daily because I feel it necessary to keep up with current events. Also, I’m no Pollyanna. I don’t expect life to be completely carefree and without challenge. Certainly, we all have our share of that, on many different levels. However, in the midst of all that is going on in our world right now (or any time), I think focusing on the good stuff is important -to toss some lighthearted in the mix, and recognize those really good for the soul moments, which is what I'll try to do here.

Well, I guess every blogger has a first post, and this is mine. Welcome!