Thursday, October 1, 2009

Writer's Block

Do you ever have an unfortunate case of writer's block???  Because I do tonight.

This is my first chance to blog since last week.  But instead of my fingers easily flying across the keyboard like they usually do,  I can't seem to conjure up any thoughts this evening.

I suppose I could mention that the cool air did find it's way here to Gator Country (sortof), and that my two youngest children were so excited about it they pulled our fall and Halloween decorations from storage, assembled them haphazardly, and declared our house officially ready for autumn.

Or that speaking of Halloween, my neighbor is having another rockin' party this year and I think I will go as a German beer maid.  Last year I was a dude with lots of bling and my boxers showing under my big, baggy, low-rider jeans, so this year I have to vamp it up a bit.

 Or I could mention that I think people - particularly celebs - get carried away by giving out too many intimate details when airing their dirty laundry to the public, as in Too Much Information, and I feel very uncomfortable hearing it because it is not my business and I do not want to know about it.  I choose not to listen to or read about such stories, but one cannot always avoid hearing bits and pieces anyway in this age of information overload.

Or I could mention that on the on the other hand, inspirational success stories shared in good taste are uplifting and, well, inspirational.  Especially when they are about ordinary folks who have done extraordinary things.  Very motivating.

I could tell you that I tried out a new Paula Deen seafood casserole recipe for dinner tonight (yum!) and sampled so much of it while I was mixing it all together that I couldn't eat any more when it finally came out of the oven.

Or that the chocolate chip cookies I baked for dessert all ran together on the pan to make one giant cookie, which my kids loved!

Hmm, perhaps I had more to write about tonight than I initially thought.  Sometimes you have to put pen to paper (or fingers to keyboard) and just do it.  Enjoy your evening.