Friday, September 18, 2009

Go Gators, Go Shopping

Football season is upon us, and I reside in Gator Country, home to the number one college football team in the country, and also one of it's biggest stars.  That would be the Florida Gators and Tim Tebow.  Although very exciting for many fans, this is a fact that is completely lost on me, a beach gal who would happily take sand in her toes any day over an afternoon spent at a football game.  Don't get me wrong - I am fairly athletic and there are a number of sports I enjoy.  After all, back in high school and college I ran track, played soccer and taught aerobics.  These days I power walk and practice yoga.  What was that?  Oh, okay, so aerobics and yoga are not really sports, but you get the point.  

The point is, I'm proud of the Gators for their accomplishments, but I'm just not interested in football.   The first few years we lived here my husband purchased season tickets, and I went to couple of games with him.  I always brought a cushion to sit on those terribly uncomfortable bleachers with while baking in the very hot  sun.  My cushion had a pocket on it where a book fit perfectly, which was convenient since I didn't go to the games to watch them anyway.  I went to keep my husband company.  And to read.  But my husband didn't find it so clever or such good company, and after reading my way through the few games I did go to, we agreed that he would instead take his friends who were fellow fans, and I was free to do whatever I wanted.  Which worked out great, because for me, the best thing about a home football game is that since most of the city is at the stadium during those three to four hours, that leaves everyplace else almost deserted.  A perfect time for shopping and errands with no traffic on the road and no lines in the store.  So tomorrow while countless Gator fans will be at the stadium hollering, "Go Gators!  Beat Tennessee!", I will be darting around town, running errands and saying to myself, "Go shopping!  Beat the traffic before the game is over!".  

And that is my idea of a great day of football.


Anonymous said...

go shopping! i'm with you there! funny blog, keep writing! I know it takes a long time to get your blog "out there" ;

Gutsy Living said...

I can so relate and actually feel relieved to hear someone make me feel "normal." I really don't care for football and have been able to get away with it by saying, "I'm from Europe and I don't understand the game." Same with baseball. I prefer to go to the gym, or the beach or read.

Restless Native said...

Funny - I can't claim being from Europe, so I just have to tell my opinion of football like it is :)

Restless Native said...

to Anonymous:

thanks - just haven't had a chance to post as often lately!