I didn't want summer to end, but inevitably it does, and today the kids went back to school. I have to admit, as much fun as we have with our lack of schedules during summer, it is always nice when everyone gets back into a certain groove. The kids sometimes ask me if I will home school them (in hopes they can sleep in mornings, I am sure), but I always decline. I truly admire moms who home school their kids, and I have several friends that do, because I think it must take a great amount of discipline which I'm not sure I have when it comes to something like that. I'm afraid we might not keep a consistent routine because I would always be thinking of the numerous other things we could be doing instead of schoolwork (like going to a movie, heading to the park or a trip to the beach) and then doing those instead. Most of all, as an at-home mom, school is time for the kids and I to have a little space from each other for a few hours, which is good for all of us. I look forward to seeing them this afternoon and sharing in their excitement and stories of school. But for now, I am savoring the peaceful quiet that surrounds me.
Here's to the first day of school!
Here's to the first day of school!
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