Sunday, September 6, 2009

The Sound of Music

It's girls night in, and my sister and I just finished watching for the umpteenth (is that a word?) time in our lives, our all-time favorite, noone else runs through a mountain meadow twirling and singing like Julie Andrews movie, The Sound of Music.  How could I have failed to list it as a favorite under movies in my blog profile???  I don't know, but I did.  Which is the reason for this blog entry.  Now THAT is a movie.  I mean, they just don't make 'em like that anymore.  Period.  When we were little, not only did the movie's scenery make us want to pack up and head for Salzburg, but so did the von Trapp sibings and their fun-loving governess Fraulein Maria.  My sister and I used to think being related to Liesl, Friedrich and the rest of the kids would be such fun.  Unfortunately, the closest I ever got to either Austria or the von Trapp family was during a few early years of my life when my parents insisted I take organ lessons and I learned to play many of the songs from the movie.  Oh, and I did visit Germany and Switzerland once.

During my organ lesson years, I played songs from The Sound of Music over and over and over until I knew them by heart.  And I do mean over and over.  Other than Glow Worm they were all I played, and thank goodness for that, because you can only play Glow Worm so much before getting really tired of it.   I never once grew tired of playing selections from the Sound of Music on our organ, although I'm sure my family can't say the same after listening to it for hours while I practiced.  Sometimes I even sang along and let's just say I will never be mistaken for one of the von Trapp Family Singers.

So, I will go ahead and add The Sound of Music to favorite movies on my profile because as entertaining as the '80's movies were, they do not even come close.  Plus, it's just not right to leave off the only movie I have seen almost every year since I was four!


Anonymous said...

hi i just watched the sound of music too and i agree that it is a very good movie even if i don't usually like musicals. ;) keep up your awesome blogging!

Anonymous said...

I also have always enjoyed the Sound of Music - it reminds me of growing up!