Friday, September 11, 2009


This week has been filled with open houses at my kids' schools to highlight what they are learning in their classes.  However, what I find just as impressive as what they are learning, is how much time and effort is put in by their teachers to make school a positive experience for them.  My thoughts on this are nothing new, I noticed it the first time my oldest child (now in 8th grade) entered pre-school and then kindergarten.  Teachers play such a significant role in our children's lives.... the learning experience itself is just a part of so many hats they wear while our children are in their care during the school day.  And they don't have just a few kids to attend to, they have whole classes - some larger and some smaller.  There is much responsibility that goes into helping to shape so many lives.  Teachers help children learn to respect themselves and others, to take pride in what they do, and I'm sure they referee many scraps that occur during a day, which takes a great deal of patience.  They come in early and stay late to attend to everything that is needed to keep the classroom and the school running smoothly.  They go the extra mile and more, not always being appreciated for it and certainly not always being compensated what they are worth.
So this blog is to say THANK YOU for all of the hard-working teachers out there.... I really appreciate all the time and effort you invest not only in my children, but in all of the children whose lives you touch.