Wednesday, September 2, 2009

To Ponder

Today I am pondering two conflicting universal  message is to be content with what you have,  bloom where you are planted, and be happy where you are. 

 On the other hand, another message regards stepping out and taking leaps of faith such as; you never know if you don't try, "life is either a daring adventure or nothing"-Helen Keller, and from Robert Frost, "Two roads diverged in a wood and I...I took the one less traveled by, and that has made all the difference".

I guess what I am pondering is this:  if we are supposed to be content where we are, then isn't it a bit ironic to think we are supposed to, at the same time, jump into the deep end, so to speak, and try something new?  Also, although we may bloom where we are planted, perhaps we would like to uproot and try blooming in a new location or new career.  So,  does the desire to do something different mean we are not properly practicing being happy where we are?  I think that while it is important to be happy with where we are in our life,  the fact is we change and that is (hopefully) how we grow.  It is also important to ask questions and look to new directions for our future.  Maybe for some, staying in one place is the answer, rather than for others, whose restless spirits require them to mix things up every so often by moving around.  After all, we can bloom where we are planted in more than one way or place in our lifetimes, don't you think?